Showing all 8 results

BEIJING X30: Advanced Anesthesia Machine with Intuitive Touch-Screen Display and Multi-Modes for Ventilation


HEALICOM HMA-7518: Advanced Hematology Analyzer with Large Touch Screen, 5-Part Blood Cell Counter, and 25 Parameters


Introducing the HEALICOM HLED-700/500A: Advanced LED Surgical Lights with LCD Control Panel and Adjustable Illumination


Reliable and Convenient: Introducing the New MIDMARK M9 Autoclave – The Ultimate Sterilizer for OB GYN Equipment


Revolutionize Clinical Analysis with the Biobase BK-200 Sapphire: High Throughput, Advanced Software, and Free Delivery in the UK!


Revolutionize Hematology Analysis with the New iSED Hematology Analyzer by Alcor Scientific Inc
